Wednesday, 18 August 2021


I was discussing movie Jokers with Wotan recently. The Joker always brings out strong opinions I think, its such an iconic character and was done so well by Cesar Romero in the original Adam West TV series.

For my vote I think the current Joker played by Jared Leno is the best so far, even better than the late Heath Ledger's masterful performance. Jared just pips him because his character's combo of bling, smile and deranged menace is simply hypnotic, despite not being seen that much on the screen in his movies.

I hope Jared's Joker has another crack at a movie. Does anyone know if he will?

An honourable mention has to go to Jack Nicholson's Joker in Tim Burton's 1989 gothic Batman. he was the perfect foil to Keaton's grouchy knight and between the two of them instilled in me the collecting bug for the first time, after which I started looking for Batman toys in earnest!

I haven't included Joaquin Pheonix's award-winning stint here as I'm not sure it can be compared with his more comical stablemates. The Joker is more like Taxi Driver than a Batman spin-off, Travis Bickle in greasepaint. What do you think about the film The Joker?

So, who is your fave Joker readers?


  1. MJ Southcoast base8/18/2021 9:08 pm

    Ooh this is a hard one, every generation has its own Batman and so in turn its own Joker, every actor his or her's own unique take but for me as we are talking about a movie (albeit animated) I would have to say Mark Hall is the pinnacle, so many influences here but my favorite is Harvey Korman in Blazing saddles, check out Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, and every appearance this actor made as our titular villain, superb!!

    1. MJ Southcoast base8/18/2021 9:22 pm

      It's Mark Hamill!! Who's Mark Hall???

    2. Very interesting MJ. I hadn't considered animated Batman stuff! I must watch Mask of the Phantasm!

  2. I love Jared Leto's manic performance, as although Ledger does own the film while he's on screen, he lacks that psychotic edginess that Leto brings, especially when paired with Harley Quinn. Leto appears again in the epic Snyder Cut of Justice League, which at 4 hours long is a monster in itself, but is a fantastic experience. I also love Caesar Romero as he also had that (slightly clownish) psychotic edge

    1. So much to watch, so little time [said in a raspy voice!]
