Friday, 6 August 2021


 More recent adventures in die-cast land at Moonbase Junior's house.

Here's his new Hot Wheels mega garage set, where you crank a carousel of cars which then fly out over a ramp. Great fun. Just handling the track again brought back a flood of Hot Wheels memories for me!

A closer looks at some of Junior's fleet. the golden Batmobile is rather nice as is the iron Man motorbike as well. Next to the egg is a Hot Wheels with dice markings on its main tubular tyre!

Junior also has a few of these Dinosaur-based die-casts, which I assume are Hot Wheels but could be wrong.


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand8/07/2021 1:18 am

    The grey and brown one is very interesting - it looks a bit like a Dodo. It is not a model I know. What does it say on the underside ? There should at least be the name of the maker.

    1. I shall have a look next time I'm at Junior's Paul

  2. That's a nice stash of wheels there, man. Glad to see youngsters still collect die-cast!
