Saturday, 7 August 2021



I noticed this comic strip type artwork for a Bandai Terrahawks advert and liked it enough to save it and post here.  I used to love artwork in a cartoony style like this in my weekly edition of Look-In in the Seventies. The Corgi Technocrats? had a similar look I recall.

Do you like this style?


  1. Ive got that leaflet somewhere, I wrote to Bandai in advance of the release of terrahawks and got this and another couple of flyers with pre-release info on the toys. Can't say I am a fan of the art style, like the Corgi technocrats imagery, its clearly been drawn by a jobbing illustrator and not an established artist, giving it a loose, rushed feel. Have to say I hated the technocrats idea at the time, the slaphead professor, geeky kid with the big glasses and token school girl to try and attract a female audience. luckily, they didn't pursue it and it was quickly replaced with a more professional looking style.

  2. Bandai only released a couple of small spacehawks, the best one being in the boxset with a Hawkwing and Treehawk. I believe they were going to do a big one and I think I've seen a photo online of a prototype but they never released a big one as far as I know.

  3. I don't mind the comic-book style on these latter-day ads, but I agree with Wotan, they are no replacement for the true commercial illustrators of the day... Apples and Oranges, in fact.
