Thursday, 1 July 2021



Seeing this pen key ring from the Sixties or Seventies on the Bay really brought back memories.

I adored key rings probably as much as toys. I think I got a few at my Dad's cash and carry place but always tried to add to my collection wherever I was.

I had loads: a floppy metal fish, an eiffel tower, a toilet, a metal book with concertina pages, a spanner, a wrench, a rubber footballer, a globe and many many more. I so wish I still had them and often rummage at car boots to see of there are any I had.

Did you like key rings or fobs?


  1. MJ Southcoast base7/01/2021 4:00 pm

    Not far from where I live is a tiny hardware store and they have a rack of keyrings that probably date back to the eighties, some newer ones too, all of them are grubby,dusty and rusty, a little like the shop they are sold from, I'm going to check if there's a website, I doubt it... I'll share the link with Woodsy if there is!!!

  2. MJ Southcoast base7/01/2021 4:10 pm

    Additional: its called Pompey Hardware, some of the reviews are priceless!

  3. As a kid I liked the look of the Watney's Red Barrel key rings although I never had one. I did have one of those metal books with the concertina photos, my dad brought it back from one of his Photographic trips. I think it was from Florence...

    1. My dad worked as a joiner for the Higsons brewery chain in Liverpool, so we always had beer memorabilia around the house, Watneys ashtrays, Skol pens, Higsons football score cards. I'm sure I've got a loose Watneys Red Barrel somewhere Looey - ill see if i can find it for you!
