Monday, 5 July 2021

Current Events from April 1969: High School Covers the Moonshot

Hi Woodsy!

Here is something I acquired recently on ebay, which I thought might be fun for Moonbase readers. 

It is a copy of Current Events from April, 1969, a special 8-page issue on the upcoming Apollo moon shot. (Current Events was a small newspaper for middle school and high school students, which I remember reading back in the day.) 

The text is interesting, but I thought the illustrations and pictures were very cool so I pass it along. I thought it might be a fun addition if you are planning an Apollo blog thing. Enjoy!

Rob C


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand7/05/2021 11:54 am

    A very interesting look back at how the space programme was seen at the time. Rather like the pages of the How and Why books.

  2. Third page down, top left picture.
    That guy's no astronaut. He's not wearing a space suit, he's wearing a kagool with a goldfish bowl under the hood. It's even got drawstring toggles !
    And he's carrying his wife's handbag !!!

    1. Mish - wheres your sense of wonder!

  3. I'm always bemused at how history diverged from expectations in the early 70s. The glittering promise of moon development (what we might call the 2001 syndrome) was dropped with a firm "done that" attitude.

    Would the world have been a better place with a permanent space presence beyond low Earth orbit? We will never know.

    Meanwhile on the planet Mars...

    Still waiting for that one.
    Will it be in my lifetime?
    Previous history is not promising.

  4. I do love a great piece of vintage space race propaganda!

  5. My sense of wonder is wondering which branch of Millets he got his 'spacesuit' from !
    Love the 60s space mag though.

  6. Fabulous magazine pages Zigg, thanks for sharing this nostalgic slice of the space race.

    1. Yes, it was amazing I could grab it off ebay (I don't think anybody else saw it!) and what a trip down memory lane! I probably even had this exact issue back in the day! 1969 was also the year the floodgates opened for Japanese Science Fiction toys and models here in the United States, so it was a good year for Ziggy!
