Thursday, 24 June 2021

Vintage Toy Gun TV Ads

Hi Woodsy

Just found this on You Tube, not sure if it has been on Moonbase before or not, as I do recall some of the contents. 

It is a series of old TV ads for various toy guns, including Secret Sam. Billy Mumy, from Lost in Space, is in the Dick Tracy ad. 

Never had any of these myself, although I did have a few cap guns, and a plastic rifle.

Did Moonbase readers?

Paul Adams from New Zealand

1 comment:

  1. Toy guns were part of my childhood Paul. Toy rifles too. Looking back it seems quite militaristic but I turned out OK. Great clip. I still have a Johnny Seven and have sold a couple of Secret Sam cases in my time as a toy seller. I adored mine as a kid.
