Saturday, 5 June 2021


Deary me, theres little left of the hoard. There must have been 50-60 annuals sat on the shelves at my parents in 1981.

Of the paltry remnants, the Busters and Tom and Jerrys were saved from going to the charity shop as they were sat under Timmy's dot matrix printer in 1991. As well as comic annuals we had the look and learn type ones (as well as a host of pictorial encyclopedias) .

All the GA ones I had are gone except the 3 shown. I also had this 1969 Fantastic Four annual. Fortunately quite a lot of these annuals are available free online in CBR format - I have downloaded a few eg all the XL5 ones, although I am sorely tempted to buy some of the TV21 and Thunderbird annuals.



  1. Ive still got the Tell Me Why one, its interesting as its got the inspiration for the Space ATS satellite in there, so I keep it safe. I would get loads of annuals each year, but aside from the GA ones, they all got handed down to cousins and eventually my own kids. CBR is great format, just hampered by having to read them via a dedicated reader. I have found a lot of comics recently online in digital formats, such as pdf, which is ideal and saves on shelf space!

    1. Annuals were a staple of Sixties Xmases weren't they Wote. Like selection boxes, you knew you were going to get one or two at Yuletide. All mine went the way of the rubbish tip bar a few special ones I managed to clutch onto!
