Monday, 14 June 2021


There are a few things in a collector's life which can be classified as a nightmare. One is dithering about a car boot/ garage sale item and going back later only to find its gone. Another is forgetting to bid on Ebay for something you really want.

Perhaps, though, what happened to me today is THE nightmare for the collector.

A workmate said to me: "I'm clearing out the garage at the mo"

I said " Wow, are there any toys in there?"

Workmate "Yes, I found a load of old cars, some of them boxed"

Me "Really! Wow! Can you bring them in for me to look at?"

Workmate "No, I can't. I've thrown them all in the skip!"

Me " That's OK. Just get them out if you can. They might be worth something"

Workmate "Too late, sorry, the skip's been emptied!"

me "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh"

All I can think about now are the boxed die-casts that have gone to landfill. What were they? Oh My God!

Has this ever happened to you readers?


  1. Ignorance is bliss. Don't think about it too closely. Its probably been a bunch of those crap diecasts that were given away with Shell Petrol in the nineties. Cheap diecasts in yellow boxes. mostly sports cars. Anyone with any kind of cultural awareness will recognise a Dinky car and assume it has a value attached, especially with a box. I doubt they will have been anything special, so best not to dwell!

    1. You maybe right Wote. I've asked her not to throw any more toys out before showing me!

  2. I'd second Wote here. Think of those hundred good leads on old toys, with only one or two coming up with anything worthwhile. So please do not lose your sleep over it Woodsy.

  3. Just accept that they were all
    C21 Zero-x's and move on!

    I had that dithering effect at an Anime convention a few years back. There was a table groaning with wonderful items. Two desirable objects flashed into my field of vision. As I glanced at the one on the right, a hand reached under my arm and grabbed the one on the left, as I looked at it disappearing, another hand reached out and grabbed the one on the right!
    Both gone in 2 seconds flat!

    1. Sorry Looey, I was chuckling after reading that. ha ha! A pincer movement!
