Wednesday, 9 June 2021


I'm really enjoying lime juice in my bottled lager again. Lager and Lime! Yes! Its a proper blast from the citric past, which I drank in the Seventies.

Another bottles drink I liked, in the Sixties, was Canada Dry. Now I'm confused about this. I can see it now in my mind's eye stood on my Dad's home-made bar but the taste memory I have is of Ginger Ale.

Was Canada Dry ginger ale?

Did you like it?


  1. If it was the Green Can it was Ginger Ale. The blue can is plain soda water.

    Not that it was as good on it's own as R. White's Cream Soda or Lemonade back in the 50's. R.White's now has the same owner in the UK as Canada Dry.

    1. Ahhhh! Terranova! You've just triggered my memories of an enamelled White's sign outside the off-license at the top of our street.
      At the back of our newer Woolworths store in Richmond (the one with the orange and cream terrazzo flooring, rather than the older one with unfinished floor boards!) Was a refreshment bar that sold Zing Raspberry fizzy drink. I've looked on eBay, but I've never seen a Zing bottle for sale!
      That Woolworths was where I saw
      a) Plastic Beatles wigs
      b) Winston Churchill memorial busts
      And most importantly
      c) My first view of Triang SpaceX toys!

  2. I thought it was tonic water, not just plain soda water, but I'm not certain.

  3. Yes. We all tried lager and lime. Some had blackcurrant in theirs. And Vodka and lime. Those were the early years of lager. Bitter was still prominent back then

  4. Canada Dry is a brand name.They are best known for Ginger Ale,but they also made cocktail mixers like club soda ,tonic water, and Bitter Lime.They also used to make fruit flavored Sodas like Wild Cherry, Pineapple, and Island Lime.

  5. Canada Dry Ginger was not as gingery as Ginger Ale, my parents always had both, the one as a mixer, the other for drivers! If you really liked your ginger though you made your own ginger beer . . . it was ready when the first bottle blew it's top in the outside pantry/larder/coal-store/dog house!


  6. I do remember how much I enjoyed the taste of Canada Dry, a fizzy ginger glugger. Quenching. I think the top needed a bottle opener.
