Monday, 21 June 2021



 As Annuals make a regular appearance on Moonbase, I thought you might be interested in this reference book from a few years ago. Green's Guide to Collecting TV, Music & Comic Book Annuals 1950-2001, by Paul Green & Laura Taylor, GT Publications, 2000. 

There are various sections on defining an Annual, grading, collecting, and shows that did not have their own Annual but had stories, comic strips, or features in other Annuals. Then the main listings, in alphabetical order, the Annuals themselves. Title, Publisher, Dates, some give a guide to the contents, and Values (in 2000, so a bit out of date now). 

Only a few of the Annual covers are illustrated in black and white, with eight pages in colour. Finally a cross-reference list - there was a Harry Secombe  'pin-up' in TV Mirror 1956. The amount of information on each title varies, but you get the basics - the photos should give you some idea of the contents. 159 pages.

I also recall borrowing one or two books on the history of Annuals from the library many years ago, but I can not recall their titles. So there is some reference material out there.

Paul Adams from New Zealand

1 comment:

  1. I've got this book Paul. An interesting reference book. I've got one on gum cards too by Henry Cook.
