Wednesday, 30 June 2021


On Father's Day here in the UK I had the pleasure of joining my Daughter and my Grandson at his first car boot sale in Leeds.

Needless to say we went mad and had a ball. It was die-cast heaven, never mind any other toys there.

Junior snaffled a lovely big Imaginext plastic Batmobile and a sleek Hot Wheels Batmobile with his pennies and I got him a beautiful Superkings Auto Transport from the 70's - did you have one? - for a fiver and a really cool modern Iron Man motorbike, which goes like the clappers.

I got myself some toy cars as well from a really well-stocked elderly chap. Pics to follow.

Do you like Matchbox Superkings?



Moonbase Mutt Blue peers through the onions!

He's thinking why's that big fella taking sneaky snaps of me!


Check out NASA's underwater moon rover. It'd make a great toy! Do you agree?

Tuesday, 29 June 2021


What do you think of Radio Shack?

Were they important to you as a kid?

I never got into the whole R/C scene and I'm unsure I even thought of remote-control stuff as toys. They felt like something else. Like rocketry did. I wish I had delved into both of them.

Tandy is another name I associate with remote-controlling and they might even have had shops. Tandy shops. Is that right?

Anyways here's a strange but comical film of a Radio Shack Space Walker, in New York which is not something I've seen in the flesh. Have you?


My Son-in-Law pointed out this strange cloud effect one Saturday night a week or so ago. Its the white glowing right-leaning diagonal streak that looks like smoke.

They are called Noctilucent clouds. 

Above is my dark paltry effort at snapping it.

They appear in summer months when the sun remains closer to the horizon after sun set. The clouds are reflections of sunlight after sunset on particles or ice and space dust entering the atmosphere. They're the highest visual atmospheric "thing" we can see.

Here's my Son-in-Law's much more proficient shot of the Noctilucent clouds. 

Have you seen them or anything similar?



Further to the recent items on the Alfa Romeo Carabo, designed by Bertone. This was a popular car with toy companies. Here is one from the Corgi Juniors line. It is No.65, and dates from 1971.

The real car was green over black or purplish grey, but the Juniors model has a purple-painted metal upper body, a light green metal lower body, and white (or cream) plastic interior which also forms the front bumper and rear grille. 

There was also a version with a red interior. The windows have a slight orange tint. It is fitted with low-friction Whizzwheels.

Have you got one readers?

Paul Adams from New Zealand

Monday, 28 June 2021

Inside Track

A visit to the supermarket and yet another livery variation on the cool Roborace Hot Wheels car. Based on Daniel Simon’s design for an autonomous race car, its a sleek, streamlined beast.
Roborace itself is coming along too, check out Season Beta here:



I wonder if the Riddick franchise has generated any toys and games?

I suppose they're not really for kids are they.

Riddick's on my mind as I recently re-caught Riddick, the third film, on Netflix. I really enjoyed it once again and find the Furyan mythos quite enthralling.

The ships in the flick appeal to me too, beaten up and clunky like escaped machines from some mad ironmongers.

I'm now keen to re-see the other two films too; The Chronicles of Riddick with those pesky Necromongers and Pitch Black, where it all began for the forthright man from Furya.

I honestly think Vin Diesel was born for the role.

Do you have a favourite Riddick film readers?


Check out this gallery of Lady Penelope comics covers from the 1960's. What do you think?

Sunday, 27 June 2021


This short clip was sent in by superreader MJ from South Coast Base. If you like Bats you'll like this. And I didn't see the surprise coming!

King Kong '76


         I just came across this short video on You Tube, from the Junkman, on 1976 King Kong Merchandise. Included are the board game you recently mentioned, a target game, cups and plates, metal lunch-box, a couple of model kits, a playset, View-Master reel, an amazing King Kong drinking straw, and even a Bop Bag (thanks to you, I now know what this strange item is). Some of it is a bit bizarre, but all great fun.

The King Kong 1976 Merchandise - YouTube

Also, from the Mego Museum, is a page on various King Kong toys. According to this, only one of the Kong kits was actually produced. The Kong battling a giant snake was not released, even though it features in a TV ad, which is included in the Junkman video.

King Kong Gallery: Mego Museum

Paul Adams from New Zealand


I'm laid up with the dreaded lurgy looking for online space vampires when an ogre showed up.

Said ogre is a memorable nasty from my monstrous childhood, namely the baddie in Ogre's Castle, a 6 page terror tale in the second issue of Creepy comic, April 1965 by the great house of Warren.

I would have been 4 at the time and unlikely to have languished in Uncle Creepy's wisdom just yet and waited a a couple of years whilst my big bros gathered a decent stack. I devoured those black and white stories on the floor in a room my parents called the lounge. So I lounged a lot.

Ogre is a very specific beast. A man-eating giant no less. Shrek's an ogre I think, a tame one. His Wife's an Ogress. In my mind Ogres often have tusks, a huge broad back and little legs. Oh, and carry a massive club. I might be thinking of Shrek again!

My next Ogre after Creepy was a small metal fellow, which I sent off for with a postal order [remember them?]. He arrived with a posse of miniature cast Samurai and somewhere they battle across the centuries in my loft. I might even still have the delivery note for that Ogre, unless he ate it.

I'm not sure if Hammer covered ogres. I can't recall a man-eating giant in Karnstein. Sinbad probably ran into one along with its buddy the Cyclops. 

By and by I became a teenager and my next Ogre was a furious one, a warring one. Well, a few really. Yes, it was Queen's thunderous Ogre Battle, when Freddie and co were still heavy metal in 1974. I could at this point use Ogre Battle as a cue for mentioning the altogether more magnificent monster skirmish that is By Tor and the Snow Dog by Rush [1975] but I won't as it doesn't contain an Ogre.

Rolling boulders along to 1978 and I started the daily grind aged 17. Yep, work work work, the tiresome toil of the human lot. By day I was an insurance office clerk. By night I was a hippie headbanger and I had trouble keeping my two halves apart. OK I wore patchouli and cheesecloth shirts on non-public Saturdays in the office doing overtime to save up for an amp but it wasn't enough. I needed some solid sorcery during the working week as well. It came in the form of Lord of the Rings, which I read secretly from my desk top drawer. Who knows how many insurance claims I stamped 'Accepted' whilst Frodo was heading slowly for Mordor!

Lord of the Rings is the Worlds Fair for mythical beasties. Everyone's there: dragons, orcs, goblins, giants, wraiths and trolls. Lots of trolls. However, I can't recall a specific Ogre. It could be the fog that's settled over Middle Earth but nope, I'm ogreless. Can you recall one readers?

My final Ogre before Shrek made them plush returns to its salivating roots and lives once more in a castle. Its Castle Freak from 1995, which I saw on VHS rented from the fish shop nearby. There's shocks aplenty as new owners attempt to make a des res out of the old place and the resident 'freak' living in the dungeons ain't too happy.

Thinking about it this may not be an Ogre film at all. The freak isn't that big and returning to my definition they should be, not might be [pop reference there!], giants.

Obviously in the modern world of mythology there is some fluidity between monsters. When is a Zombie a Ghoul and when is an Ogre a Troll for instance? Even so, we all know an Ogre when we see one: in a castle, a cave, the workplace, a home and on film.

Sticking to my guns, that Ogres are always man-eating giants [tusks and club optional], I would say that they have had a poor showing on the big screen in particular. 

A wiki search found just three films; The Hobbit, the Spiderwick Chronicles and the brilliant Time Bandits. There is also a 2008 movie called Ogre as well, which I've never seen. Four films, that's all. Shameful. They deserve a blockbuster.

Now to combat further lurginess I shall take two paracetamol, sleep some more and hope Blue the Moonbase Mutt keeps those auditioning Ogres at bay.

I have left out some chews.

A Familiar Alien


I came across this tinplate and plastic Spacecraft Ranger toy with magic orbit-track on Ebay. It is made by Alps of Japan. 

The box says Battery Powered, Automatic Shuttling, Use 2 "AA" Penlite Batteries. Looks to be 1960s or 1970s - tinplate is not my area. My first thought was that the flying saucer looked very familiar. 

It is clearly based on the famous Lindberg Flying Saucer or UFO kit that goes all the way back to 1954. This has also been issued by Glencoe and Atlantis. The engines have been made a lot bigger. 

The Alien pilot has been changed over to a racing car driver wearing an open-faced helmet, but it is still recognisable.


Here are two photos for the Alps Spacecraft Ranger toy, including a Lindberg Flying Saucer kit box.

Paul Adams from New Zealand

Aircraft Box Art

               Here is an item from You Tube, showing a mix of vintage aircraft kit box art, and built-up models. All are US, from the 1950s up to the 1970s. Some great old kits, many to odd 'fit the box' scales.

Paul Adams from New Zealand

Saturday, 26 June 2021

Loki Likey?

 A bit of a departure for me, writing about superheroes and the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but I have to say that I am becoming much more of a fan recently. I grew up with Marvel and DC comics, initially just random issues of US comics that my sisters or parents would buy me from a really dodgy looking book shop in Liverpool - I learned later that he did a roaring trade in under the counter porn - these comics provided a window into the world of superheroes and villains, Plasticman, Metamorpho, The Creeper, The Thunderer, Fantastic Four, Blastarr etc. Much later I would pick up the british reprints with Mighty World of Marvel and Spiderman Comics Weekly. 

So when the first iteration of the new Marvel Cinematic Universe came out, I was greatly impressed with Iron Man. I found it a bit odd, that there had already been Spiderman, Hulk, Daredevil and Elektra films previously, that bore no relation to the MCU, but really enjoyed Iron Man and the following franchise. Similarly, the first Fantastic Four film was brilliant, but again existed outside the MCU due to issues with film rights - I must say that the rebooted version is appalling, too.

Now, some years later, the MCU is a massive, unwieldy beast comprising over 20 films and loads of tv series, with more arriving shortly. The scale and scope of later films such as the Avengers Infinity Saga, is staggering, with cross overs and appearances by so many different characters, it necessary to take notes!

Recently, the TV series available on Disney Plus have extended and broadened the storylines, with mini-series focussing on individual characters, such as Scarlet Witch, Captain America and the Falcon. the latest series revolves around Loki, the God of Mischief from the Thor/Avengers franchises.

At first, i wasn't that taken with the TV series in general, Wandavision was a bit odd at first, before settling down into an involved storyline, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier was a bit too real in its focus on terrorism and political maneuvering. Loki on the other hand, which as i write is halfway through its run, is charming and funny and very well written. Again, it features themes and characters from the Marvel comic universe, but now Loki is in trouble with the Time Variance Authority for interrupting the flow of time with his apparent meddling. The series, along with Wandavision is clearly setting up the new theme of the Multiverse in the Phase Four and Five releases, with frequent easter eggs and references to other series and films tucked away in the storyline.

After each show, the net is alive with speculation and analysis of the plotlines which can spoil the surprises, but does show where the series is headed and provides insight into who the next big villain will be.

As always, Marvel and Disney are keen to be seen to be inclusive and in this plotline, it has included a gender-fluid version of Loki and implied that the titular hero is in fact bisexual. Comics have come a long way from wearing underpants over the tights and fighting caped villains, it seems.

Still, the writing is tight and clever and the effects are brilliant. Loki doesn't take himself too seriously and the series looks set to be rounded off with a spectacular finish, leading up to the next round of big films - Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, Ant Man Quantumania and The Eternals. I for one, will be stocking up the beer and popcorn in advance of the big finish. Nuff Said!

The Final Frontier: A Sloe Day in Space

Hello Woodsy

I just passed an expensive antique store on Park Avenue in Manhattan.

The centerpiece of the window should be of interest to readers of the blog.

I'm going to think of it as representing Britain's Space Program.

Stay well,


Hi. Seeing the carabo picture on the site the other day reminded me of the Italian r,c car that I got in the early 70s. It's only a single channel, takes a cart load of batteries and is a monster at 17 " long. Regards. Will O.


 A teenage neighbour is going to Uni in September. To Lancaster here in the North of England, just over the Pennines.

The mention of Lancaster got me remembering how I used to love going there to watch rock bands in the 70's. Not sure if bands play Uni's or Poly's anymore but back then they did all the time.  I saw my beloved Budgie, the greatest heavy rock band ever; the superb Joan Armatrading; the quite gorgeous Judie Tzuke and I even saw Lynyrd Skynyrd before half of them perished in a plane crash. I was glad I'd seen them live.

My neighbour's excitement at going in September - leaving home basically - reminded me how everything was indeed more exciting when we were young. It is understandable as most things we haven't tried before - leaving home, relationships, driving, being part of causes, drinking, studying and so on. Its all new to a teenager and I suppose its that sheer unadulterated excitement that carries them out of the parental nest, otherwise they may never leave!

This blog is often about an even earlier time in our lives, when toys and kids TV shows and mates and playing excited us. 

I suppose nostalgia is basically remembering that feeling - or at least trying to. I wonder if its possible to feel like we did 55 years ago? Do we even get close?

But its nice to try. Do you agree?


 I adore this unusual LP toy, the Space Motorcycle.

I saw this one on the Bay a while back and kept the pics as its a corker.

Model number 106, its just a beautifully proportioned space sled and one I've never seen in the flesh.

The box is a smasher too and the sleek rear end.

What do you think? Have you got one?

Friday, 25 June 2021

Stranger Tractor

Luigi Colani Sea Ranger Die Cast Model

Taking a cue from Woodsy's Apollo Tracker rolling about on Mars, here are a few All Terrain Vehicles that have featured on the blog over the years. How many have you got ?
Marx Hill Climbing Moon Grabber

Masudaya 'The Brain' Electronic Programmable Vehicle
Masudaya 'The Brain' Electronic Programmable Vehicle

Buddy L Customised Moon Buggy

Sears Exclusive Moon Ranger Vehicle (Tomy)

Tomy Moon Buggy (basis for Sears model)

Tomy Space Eight

Tomy Space Eight

All Terrain Jeep

Unbranded Moon Bus

Tandy Mars Explorer

Explorer 12 Style Vehicle and Tractor T5

BHS Explorer 12 Terrain Crawler

BHS Explorer 12 Ocean Expedition

Majorette Amphibie

Matchbox ATV

Tonka Buggy

Spacex Molab

Spacex Apollo Tracker and Custom

Non Fall Moon Buggies




This is new to me, the Melody Tel robot toy from the 80's.

What do you think?

Do telephones and robots go together?

Thursday, 24 June 2021


Easily one of my fave Triang SpaceX illustrations is the Apollo Tracker.

Looking at the sandy surface it could be trundling round Mars.

Do you like this toy?

Are there any other toy space vehicles that could do well on the red planet?


I was genuinely blown away by this photo yesterday posted on the JPL NASA site. It's Curiosity's latest shot of clouds over a mountain.

Its so Earth-like! It could be Utah or Cumbria!

Its still staggering that we have vehicles roving the Martian surface taking pictures and for a picture like this its all worth it.

I can really imagine people stood on that cliff edge one day. Can you?

Vintage Toy Gun TV Ads

Hi Woodsy

Just found this on You Tube, not sure if it has been on Moonbase before or not, as I do recall some of the contents. 

It is a series of old TV ads for various toy guns, including Secret Sam. Billy Mumy, from Lost in Space, is in the Dick Tracy ad. 

Never had any of these myself, although I did have a few cap guns, and a plastic rifle.

Did Moonbase readers?

Paul Adams from New Zealand

Wednesday, 23 June 2021



I've often wondered who or what Britains based their shapely female space STARGARDS figure on in the 1980's.

One possible contender is the equally female character Crystal from the much older 1960's Space Angel cartoon as seen here on Transogram's Board Game based on the series.
Here's an episode of Space Angel, one of many on You Tube.

Do you remember this TV series?