Tuesday, 22 June 2021


I saw this flick on Netflix last night. A low budget sci-fi movie, I must say I rather enjoyed it. There are very few actors and largely one location. Essentially its about AI and how AI can go AWOL. Think HAL and you're in the right ballpark.

Its given me an appetite for other AI movies I haven't seen like Her. 

Have you seen any AI flicks? 

Here's one top 20 list I saw, although some of them I wouldn't say are AI, I'd say they were robotic.



  1. MJ Southcoast base6/22/2021 9:16 pm

    I'm a sucker for a fan made movie, the Bat in the Sun series are amazing and of course the Batman fan film that set the benchmark was Sandy Carroll's Batman;Dead End he went on to do Hunter/Prey, another worth a mention is Judge Minty

    1. I'll look them up MJ. All new to me!

    2. Thanks for the links to these MJ. I/m currently laid up ill but when I get my mojo back I'll post them.

  2. in terms of AI films, you cant go wrong with the classics - Demon Seed, Forbin Project, Lawnmower Man. New ones include Morgan, Ex Machina and Chappie. Chappie is violent, but brilliantly filmed by Neil Blomkamp, who did District 9 and Elysium. Her, is absolutely fabulous and extremely plausible in its concept. If you are a fan of social media, you will understand it straight away!

    1. Demon Seed is the next novel on my summer reading pile, after Neighbours.
