Monday, 31 May 2021

The Blue Box Pop Monsters Incident

Arto recently sent me these pics of an unusual toy he has in his collection.

Pop Monsters by Blue Box.

It contains the intriguing line 'Why did Dr. Baji Bah come to Mogsoon?'

Can anyone shed any more light on this set?


  1. Can't help with your set, but I posted similar Gormiti back in '14, which had been clearance'd, so I imagine they are all part of the same line/range?


  2. Thanks for that, Hugh, an interesting lead.

    I came across this little set some time ago among ordinary bric-a-brac in a small charity shop. Those little put-together monsters caught my eye, and the fact that the set was by Blue-Box. The backstory sounded intriguing too.

    The real surprise came when I tried to look it up online. Despite wealth of exact information provided on the package, there seems to be no digital trace of it. Which should be impossible in this day and age!

  3. Not really, it's the reason I post so much new shite, once it's end of line, all the 'formal' pages (Argos, Toysaurus - as was, Entertainer etc...) on the Internet get deleted; if no one's blogged it, it disappears!

    And Blue Box (as the parent Tai Sang with the other brands and all the contract stuff) are huge, this (and the Gormiti) were probably one-season, sort of pocket-money 'genre' fillers? Here today, gone tomorrow!


  4. Even the importer site on the back is gone. is for sale. I don't recall seeing these when I was a toy dept manager but I left that job in 1996.

    1. You must have seen so many great toy lines Lance!
