Thursday, 13 May 2021


 Whilst browsing for divers I found this vivid poster for Jane Russell's 1955 movie Underwater, "as you've never seen her before!"

Anyone know who the artist was?

You can see Ms. Russell in 'skin diver action' on this short clip from the flick. It was filmed in a huge tank of water at RKO. The film premiered ... underwater, where the audience wore airtanks!

As soon as I saw the Underwater poster I thought of something in my comics collection: Warren's Eerie #22 from July 1966, with this very similar lady diver by Vic Prezio.

Earlier in 1961 Vic Prezio painted a pulp cover that echoed Russell's Underwater even more, for Lost Treasure of Adventure Magazine.

You can read more about the prolific pulp cover artist Vic Prezio on the fabulous American Pulp site, where a gallery of his startling illustrations is there in glorious colour, including the one above.

What do you think of these? Do you collect Eerie comics?


  1. That lovely illustration of Jane Russell in Underwater might have been by either Al Kallis or Reynolds Brown, two of the premiere movie poster artists of the 1950s. Who can forget Reynold Brown's exquisite poster art for Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman?

    1. Thanks Zigg. That's useful. Yes, I love that 50 foot Woman poster art too!
