Monday, 17 May 2021


Driving home tonight I had to smile at the van in front. It read SKYNET on the rear. Skynet no less! 

After imagining whether big Arnie was the driver I then realised that the emergence of Skynet went undetected in the Terminator until it was tracked down by a T-800 who had to visit from the future to do it. Is this how it starts, shrouded in fantasy?

I looked Skynet up online and the video, with its soporific leave Everything Completely To Us message of deliverance sent a chill down my spine!

Its odd when science fiction elbows its way into the real world like this. Where does one begin and the other end?

Feeling like John Connor's new agent I then felt compelled to look up Cyberdine and .... lo and behold, it actually exists! 

Not just that, its a robotics company for God's sake! 

Based in Japan the real Cyberdine have developed a body droid system called HAL and among other tech this Cleaning Robot. 

Is this how it starts! The take-over! Cyberdine Systems cleaning our floors!

Fearing the insipid mechanic enslavement of everything everywhere [Oh no, that's EE!] I stopped browsing for sci-fi companies. 

Who knows, there might even be a Weyland or a Yutani or a Virtual Space Industries in reality! 

Please tell me there isn't!


  1. MJ Southcoast base5/17/2021 7:48 pm

    Self driving cars will suddenly take us on a detour via the Soylent green factory! Yikes!

    1. ha ha, you might be right MJ. One day we shall all be the subjects of the Bezos-Musk Global Teslazon.

  2. lewis morley5/18/2021 12:38 am

    More stupid examples of Life imitating Art.
    Some people have no sense of irony!

    Even the Chinese are getting in on the "skynet" brand...

    1. Wow, that's all quite scary Looey! Arnie's movie was prescient!
