Friday, 7 May 2021

Dracula's Hearse

Hi Woodsy

Last year I ordered some of the Noch HO horror models that I had discovered on the internet. I did send you some pictures of these, but they were ones I found on the internet, and not of very good quality. 

So I am going to send you some better shots of these models, now that I have my own sets. First up is Noch 16714 Leichenwagen, or hearse coach. 

This is an early horse-drawn vehicle, and would be ideal to go with your vampire models. Noch is a German company, making accessories for model railways in various scales, although the hearse is Made in China. The model is plastic, and is mainly black, with silver trim. 

The horses are brown, and the faces and hands of the humans (?) are flesh. There is a brown-draped coffin in the back. Oddly, the horses can not be joined to the shaft, but just stand either side of it. Overall length about 85 mm. 

It comes in a small, clear plastic box. This is not strictly a Dracula model, but I posed mine beneath the walls of Castle Dracula. At $29 NZ, plus postage, this is an expensive little model, but it is of very high quality. 

The photos were also fun. 

Yours Sincerely, 
Paul Adams from New Zealand


  1. How cool is that? I remember NOCH from my wayward model railroad youth, but they sure never had anything so outre as this!

  2. I like that little scene as well Paul. Very Hammer horror!

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand5/07/2021 11:24 pm

    Thank you. Hammer was the look I was going for. Castle Dracula is actually a resin fish tank ornament from a local pet shop, which comes fully painted. These items make great props for model photography.

  4. Like the set, but what kind of vampire would have crosses on their hearse ?

  5. I imagine that Noch issue this as a generic hearse coach for modellers to use in different ways Mish.
