Tuesday, 13 April 2021


I'm perplexed by this Argentinian toy rifle, the Luminosa.

It was on an old auction and listed as a "V" toy, you know, the V Visitor TV series, the one with the lizards under the skin.

Now I wasn't a mega fan of V, although I did watch it, but I don't recognise the rifle or any of the imagery on the backing card art. Is it V?

Do you think so?


  1. Lewis Morley4/13/2021 11:17 pm

    Above the man on the right is a V style cargo transporter. But whether that is a simple illustration swipe or it's meant to be official is unclear, the saucers look vaguely right, but I don't remember and I can't be bothered Googleing it!

    1. So it could be indeed a V style toy. Cheers Looey.

  2. Art is finitely V inspired/ripped. Rifle looks nothing like what was used in the series though. It looks to me to be a mash of several guns to make a new one and not a good one. The center appears to be a back facing UZI.

    Actual Arco Toys V The Series gun: https://thumbs.worthpoint.com/zoom/images4/1/0217/27/1984-arco-visitors-toy-gun-pistol_1_743f225084aa594c60709a8eec04d064.jpg
    Rereleased as Bravestar pistol: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DnP319xWsAAbysR?format=jpg&name=medium
    Also as Robotech tie in: http://figure-archive.net/image.aspx?imageID=539716 and http://figure-archive.net/image.aspx?imageID=539678

    1. Fab knowledge Lance. thanks for sharing. I clicked the links and love that Arco gun! The recycled versions are fascinating. I love recycled toys! I did a bloglet about the recycling of the Lone Star Captain Scarlet pistol a few years back.
