Saturday, 17 April 2021

The Hunt For Red October Blow-up Submarine

Hi All,

Laura Legends has a new video out, it features The Hunt For Red October, the book, the film, and a special promotional blow-up submarine that was supplied to video stores when the movie came out on video. 

The sub is an impressive six feet long, and must have taken her a fair while to blow up. It is intended to be hung from the ceiling. 

She seems really enthusiastic about this buy, which was about $100 US, still sealed in its bag. 

Very interesting, and I should imagine, rather a rare find.

Yours Sincerely,
Paul Adams from New Zealand


  1. I’m hugely dissapointed as I thought it was an exploding one!

    1. Yes, a different kind of blow up Wote!

  2. I've bought and sold a couple of the HFTRO board games over the years.

  3. Nice bit of promo kit. The only piece of kit like that I kept from my time as the electronics mgr at a certain large retailer was the Spaceballs Mobile. Flat shipped in a huge manilla envelope. I t required some punch outs and assembly to make and hang from the ceiling. It is still in the envelope unpunched. The promo video tape of the movie is somewhere in a box. It was just an advance copy of the VHS tape not in a box but had "property of mgm/ua" come up on the screen a couple of times during the movie.
