Sunday, 18 April 2021


With the sun still shining today the Missus and me drove out to a car boot sale, our first one since last Autumn. 

It was packed so we wore masks but still had a really great time in the fresh air browsing the stalls. It was bigger than we remember.

Despite its size we didn't go mad and could have spent more but we kept it cheap and cheerful today. Here's a pic of most of it.

Satan Bug and the Lizard's Tail paperbacks; Imaginext Joker cave and vehicles for Junior; one arm bandit sweet dispenser for Junior; Marvel cap for Junior; 101 Dalmations DVD for Junior; Creme Egg car for me  as are the as yet unidentified springy robot and the old plastic bunny wagon.

There was LOADS of die-cast but I didn't get too involved with it today.

I did get excited when I saw some Invicta plastic showjumper horse wall plaques. I'm pretty sure I had them on my wall as a kid. I passed but they were great to see again after 50 years!

Here's one I saw on auction. Do you remember them?

There was also a film memorabilia dealer selling posters and press kits from around the world. There were colour Straw Dogs lobby cards in a big frame, which i think were French. I rifled through a box full of folders and saw a bundle of monochrome photo's of Ovni, which the folder stated was Anderson's UFO. There were about 20 paperback-sized photo's of Ed Bishop et al for £20.

I'm sure the stuff was kosher but I'm just wary of plain film prints. Anyone could print them at home.

Is it something you collect readers?

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