Friday, 30 April 2021


I picked up this chunky plastic Mattel Green Lantern ring for 10p at the local boot sale recently. Not sure whether it came with a figure originally.

For Moonbase Junior really but I got a thrill finding it 'cos I love super hero rings.

I once bought in a bunch of Green Lantern plastic tings in the early 00's for my old toy stall and getting this new modern ring reminded me of them.

My interest in super hero rings was piqued around 1996 when I bought a book called Comics Collectibles and their Values, which had a chapter on rings. It described the majesty of the Superman rings of the 1940's and other radio hero rings, some of which were the most valuable comic figure collectables in the world. Its a book I still thumb through a lot.

Have you ever had any collectable rings?


  1. MJ Southcoast base4/30/2021 9:15 pm

    My daughter loves green lantern, I recently tried to find the mask and ring on a blister card, omg this has jumped in price, very difficult to find too!

    1. So they came on a blister card MJ. I wondered how the ring was packaged. I've seen some online that light up but this one doesn't.
