Monday, 29 March 2021


The Missus has had Covid 8 or 9 days now we think judging by when she started to feel ill. Like many folks we thought it was just a cold, the cold I 'd had a week before. Alas it wasn't but things are looking up a bit.

The NHS dropped off an Oxygen finger monitor which has really helped measure daily oxygen levels, an important symptom of Covid. A senior Nurse has also phoned her and spent valuable time discussing all her symptoms and taking her through the different stages of the illness, how it might get worse even after 10 days and how it might recede. Fingers crossed its the latter. The NHS have been amazing all round.

Keeping going, we have lots of windows open here at the Base. Its Spring and the breeze is fresh and warm and lifts our spirits blowing through the airlocks. It hopefully sweeps away any nasties too!

We wear masks all the time, except to eat and drink and sleep, which we do with lots of distance. Separate towels, hand washing and alcohol wiping are mandatory for both base personnel. Last night we had a delivery of food from Morrisons so the base fridge is full again.

We did get a shock yesterday though, as a close elderly friend rang to say she thought she had also been by infected ... by the Missus, during her asymptomatic period! Given that our friend is nearly 80 and lives alone I felt duty bound to get her tested, so I took a home lateral flow kit round and took her through it. I waited in my car for half an hour praying she would be negative as did she. Sadly it was positive. So another person in our small chain has succumbed to Corona as well. Needless to say she is very scared and will need help from her scattered family.

Over at our Daughter's, where her young family, the fantastic four, are all isolating, as she's positive, they seem to be coping OK but it can't be easy keeping everyone happy and healthy cooped in one house for 10 days. Its Moonbase Miss Junior's first birthday tomorrow as well. She was born in lockdown and will be one in lockdown! Still he's a joyous soul and will get lots of fuss from Mum, Dad and big brother.

Finally, my own good news is that I did a home test on myself this morning and I'm pleased to report that it was negative.

One day this war's going to end.

How are you all readers? Safe, healthy and negative too I hope!


  1. Thank you for the report, Woodsy. Amongst the mixed news, it is good to know that the NHS still copes under such strain, and that yourself have been saved from the disease. All my best wishes of recovery to everyone. You are all in our thoughts here at Helsinki Base.

  2. My best wishes for a fast recovery to you all from Genova Base!ew:)

  3. Thanks guys. You stay safe too.

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand3/29/2021 6:44 pm

    My best wishes to everyone, for a full and speedy recovery. Take care of yourself.

  5. Keep the Missus under 24/7 care, she will come out with flying colors!

  6. It sounds like a long haul for you all unfortunately Woodsy, but hang on in there for the best outcome.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  7. Lewis Morley3/29/2021 10:52 pm

    I'm hoping everything works out alright. Living in Australia (and New Zealand) we tend to be protected by our isolation and the infections we've had have come from overseas. It seems to make us a bit blase and as a people, we have to keep the social costs uppermost in our minds over individualism.
    My best wishes to all of you, as you say it will be over one day...

  8. Thanks everyone. There is light at the end of the tunnel and the Missus is well on the mend. Its been a scary ten days especially for her and being short of breath. The NHS have been superb, calling her twice a day to check on symptoms and oxygen levels. Isolation ends tomorrow! We may even go out for a short walk on Friday!
