Sunday, 21 February 2021


 Similar to Will Osborne's Cragstan Moon Mobile, here's Sears Exclusive Turnpike Wrecker. The Sears Turnpike Line and the Cragstan tin were all related and branded Exclusive Toy on the box front.

Anyone got any Sears Turnpike Line toys or Bandai or Cragstan Exclusive Toys?

photos; live auctioneers


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand2/21/2021 5:39 pm

    I do not know this toy, but the central cab is unusual, set well in from the sides of the vehicle. I have seen photos of real vehicles with this feature. They are often intended to carry long pipes. The pipes can be the full length of the vehicle, rather than needing to fit into just the back area, as on a normal truck. Is there a pipe carrier version ? Alternatively, perhaps they just used an existing small truck cab atop a large truck base to keep costs down ?

    1. I think Bandai/ Sears/ Cragstan used the central cab a few times Paul. Its a huge fleet of space and utility vehicles. Just google The Turnpike Line of Toys.

  2. The Sears toy line was astounding, wasn't it? I remember looking in the catalogs, and occasionally going to the actual stores, and drooling over all the space-related stuff, mainly from Japan.

    1. Jaw-droppingly gorgeous Zigg I agree. Worthy of a TV series all of their own!
