Wednesday, 30 December 2020



Remember this from the early 1990's? A Thunderbirds Butterkist bucket. I found it in our loft!

It was part of the early 90's Gerry Anderson revival on the telly. Did you get involved?


  1. I got the matchbox toys. Their TB2 is a much better profile than the Dinky one.

    1. I used top buy them second hand for my mail order toy business Kev. I remember the Stingray was in a mail away box if I recall correctly. The big hitter was the Matchbox Tracy island, especially if I could find it at car boots with the box. I once sent one to Australia!

  2. I too got the Matchbox die casts of 1,2 and 3, but you've really got to be collector to want to remember themed popcorn buckets, let alone actually get them !

    1. ha ha, I used to keep anything that came our way as a young family to do with Gerry Anderson at the time Mish; comics, soaps, toys, the lot. Once discarded they all went onto my mail order toy list that I posted out to regular buyers in the early 90's. Great fun. This bucket wasn't wanted!

  3. I can't say I'm surprised by that Woodsy.

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand12/30/2020 9:45 pm

    I think it is a very nice plastic bucket, well worth preserving. How many of these still exist ? Someone must preserve the past, or it will disappear, and the world will loose a piece of its history. Which would be sad. Rule One in my house - never throw anything out.

  5. I remember a great time in the early 1990s, where (as I recall), BBC2 had a Friday evening slot of Thunderbirds, followed by Man from Uncle and an old Dr Who epsiode. Haven't found anything as entertaining since.

    1. Now that was a evening Andy! Sounds great. Friday night too! Fish, chips and mushy peas please for a full-on telly evening!
