Wednesday 9 December 2020


This summer Christian Braun of Hobbydb got in touch about their noble and herculean vintage toy mission.

In short Hobbydb wants to:

- document every collectible ever made!

- Has already cataloged the 510,000 items!

- There are 85,000 pages on Brands, Designers, Series of toys and other subjects of interest

- About 2,500 volunteers are working on it

- They start were Wikipedia stops. For example, they got every Dino-Rider set, figure or even spare part (

- Slogan is "100 Billion Collectables* *) eventually

The site is now owned by more than 700 of its users, more on that here -

Christian and the Hobbydb project ideally needs contributors, where people can curate specific brands or any other page on the site.

The project's ideal would be for, say, somebody to completely add a range of 70's cereal gimmicks - even if only 20 items - rather than adding 100 random other items.

So have a look at Hobbydb and maybe join their encyclopedic mission!


  1. Thanks! Yes, would be great to get all those Space Toys etc into the database!

  2. I worked for Christian Braun - I wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. He builds and sells websites for a living, this is his fifth(?) project, and unless he's offering to pay, proper, professional rates, you'll be doing his work for free! Do it here instead or pot it on a Space site, that's where people know to look for it! Alphadrome will always be ahead of db, and what would be the point of say Paul's LB site if it was duplicated on another, bigger one? Have you checked those data claims against what's actually on the site?


    PS - I believe Joshik is Mr Braun, or one (several?) of his sidekick/s using the same moniker!

  3. Thanks for the heads up Hugh, I was almost tempted then!

    1. It's quite simple really, he wan't everyone else's copy/output so he can render their Blog, website, Chat-group, page or forum etc . . . redundant!


  4. Sounds fantastic. Can they start a wargames figurines one too?
