Tuesday 1 December 2020


I adored Christmas selection boxes when I was a kid. You know, trays of chocolate bars inside a festive wrapper. All the big choccy makers had their selection boxes and getting one or two at Christmas was a key moment in the festivities.

Mars Bars, Twix, Marathons, Aztecs, Curly Wurlys, Flakes and many more bars got us through the gaps in between Christmas meals and snacks and the long Turkeyless days after Boxing Day.

Did you like Selection Boxes? Is there a variation of them where you are?


  1. Oh the joy of waking up on Xmas morning to find Santa had left a stocking selection pack at the end of your bed. Then at pressie unwrapping time there would be the selection box, giant tubes of either Jelly Tots, Smarties, Fruit Gums or Smarties. And if that wasn't enough sugar to send you into a stupor, chocolate cigars/pipes and sweet cigarettes were usually also nestled inamongst our pressies. Our selection stockings and boxes were always the Cadbury ones. Xmas was a total sugar frenzy. Big tins of Quality Street and Roses, the obligatory After Eights and Matchmakers (coffee ones were yum), those orange and lemon fruit jelly slices, New Berry Fruits, dare I go on? Guess sweeties were pretty cheap back then.

    1. Oops should have said the selection stockings were always Mars, the selection boxes were Cadbury or Mars.
      (Obviously sufferong from 50+year old sugar rush)

    2. Oh so many memories Timmy Tommy! I'd completely forgotten about selection stockings! Yay! Sweet memories!

    3. Timmy the chocoholic Toad12/01/2020 9:27 pm

      We might have haf Rowntree Makintosh selection boxes as well. The only problem with the selection packs/stockings was there'd always be something you didnt like in there, Spangles being one of my major dislikes back then.
      Revels, Treets, Marathon, Twix and Mars bars were all eagerly hoovered up, but the Spangles were sat all alone until New Year!

    4. I liked Spangles Toadster. Just not Polos, except the fruit ones, they were OK, like Spangles. Were there butterscotch spangles or am I dreaming?

    5. Timmy noooo, not Spangles Toad12/01/2020 10:39 pm

      I remember the mixed fruity pack (red?) and the mixed other flavour pack (black?) at xmas time. I think there were loads of different flavours in the shops as single flavour packs.

    6. I think Hacks are medical spangles. You can still get them.

  2. Some selection boxes had models to make on the back of the packet, which I think, included space ships. And yes, I think I remember butterscotch spangles, too.

    1. Thinking hard, I can see butterscotch 'fruit' gums too Andy. They were delicious! Those models on the card backs of selection boxes were great. Always something to do back then. They're plastic bags these days!

  3. The butterscotch spangles formed part of an Old English set, I think, which included licorice and menthol or mint.

    1. Yes, old English! Blimey, that's a blast from the sweet past. Just remembered liquorice sets too with a pipe and liquorice wheels! Yum!

  4. Selection boxes? Nah! Roses grow on you!

    1. What about Weekend! They were the best choccies Khusru!
