Thursday 3 December 2020



Hi Woodsy, 

Nice blog piece waxing lyrical about heavy metal and Deep Purple! 

Sometime before I started playing the Hurdy Gurdy, I used to regularly play my own plastic axe. And here is a bit of me and a couple of mates doing a session at Swansea University in 1985. 

No name to the band, we were just four session musician mates who love Rock. 

Graham Wyatt on Lead, me on Rhythm, Dave Parton on Bass and Dave Frater on Drums.... And my guitar??? It's a customised Fender Stratocaster. And those power chords are real I'm proud to say. 

Generally, the stuff I'd end up doing would be short pieces used in commercial production, although I did play on a set of jingles used at Red Dragon Radio... I still play little today; the technology is a lot less bulky and more effective nowadays. So, it shows how good those original metal guys really were. 

Hope you like it!
Bill Ev

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