Tuesday 17 November 2020

Moonbase Mystery

Seeing the old pics of the Moonbase models and the attendant comments, I was put in mind of the reference to the 'Lunar Module' part of the toy, which states that it has a 'raising and lowering' ascent stage. A quick look on Alphadromes fabulous database reveals this toy which has just that kind of action and looks remarkably similar.



  1. I hadn't realised until looking again at the drawing, that one of the astronauts has a "stock pose" with something on his shoulder, so they were readily available models. The scramble bug and prospector also look like the small ones with the Imai(?) set.

    1. Do you think the astronauts were the larger LP figures then Andy?

  2. I think the illustration is based on a prototype, cobbled together with off the shelf toys and a few custom parts. The little Lunar Rover doesnt look familiar though. And why are the batteries outside of each module, laying on the base?

    1. That LEM is fascinating Bill. Isn't the rover similar to the little blue Hover one you had ? https://4.bp.blogspot.com/_RsCCizsWvNw/SZ80K9-jI8I/AAAAAAAACIc/na9ljB6XdFA/s1600-h/ALSO_RANS+2.jpg

  3. Also, the Scramble Bug in the picture has the same strange double spoon patterning on the top as the Hover Scramble Bug as part of their boxed 'Moon Base' boxed sets! https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4qjAlTsdf8E/SRyY_U4TbTI/AAAAAAAAA5w/GIZaguDnpX8/s1600/project+s+bill+mini+moon+base+set.JPG What do you think?
