Friday 13 November 2020

Monster Truck Wienermobile

Hi Woodsy 

I am not usually a Monster Truck fan, but I could not resist this example, which I have just snapped up. It is by Hot Wheels, and is a Monster Truck version of the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile advertising vehicle. The card says New for 2020 (but the copyright date on the back of the card is 2019). 

Hot Wheels introduced a Wienermobile back in 1993, but this is not a revised version of that model. It is completely new: the front and side windows are totally different, there is an entry door on the right side, the yellow band is further aft, and the base has the headlights and tail lights indicated. 

The windows are opaque. The body is mounted on a Monster chassis, which is common to other models in the series. The hubs are chrome, while the tyres have Hot Wheels on them. The extensive tampo printing includes yellow mustard, and red ketchup. 

The back of the card shows other models in the series. There are also some basic specifications: 

Name - Oscar Mayer Wienermobile 

Truck Type - Wienermobile 

Strength - The Hottest Dog 

Crash Attack - Wiener Roast 

Motor-vation - Grill the competition 

The packaging includes a light blue plastic car which is flat, but can be folded up, and then squashed flat again by the Monster Truck. 

I love Wienermobiles. 

You recently had this post on other Wienermobile models. 

Yours Sincerely, 
Paul Adams from New Zealand

Woodsy says: where and when was the best hot dog you ever had readers? I love the IKEA ones with ketchup and mustard!


  1. I'm a terrible one to ask about food, I like it so plain it seems alien to most people (especially those that work in eateries). I was once asked by a waiter, 'how plain do you want it?', to which I replied, 'If it comes on a patterned plate, I'm sending it back!' Suffice to say, I don't do hotdogs!

    1. That's extreme plain Kev. So you don't eat curries?

    2. Nope, spices are out, too much flavour!

  2. Back about 1958 the WIMPY Bar on Baker Street in London sold Hot Dogs. My cousin and I would eat three or four apiece as they were delicious.

    In 1959 I visited New York City for the first time and ate Hot Dogs at Nathan's at Coney Island. I didn't think them as good as WIMPYS had been.

    As I haven't eaten red meat since 1970 I can't say I've had a good Turkey Dog ever, nothing can better beef for a Frankfurter.

    As my Oscar Mayer Weiner mobiles were on Moonbase earlier this year I'll have to look out for this new one.

    1. Baker Street eh Brian. Alimentary! We had a Wimpy on Preston town centre next to the Ritz cinema. I don't recall going in alas. The best hot dog I had was in Reykajvic from a caravan vendor! It must be hard to not eat red meat in the US.

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand11/13/2020 6:08 pm

    Back in the 1990s we lived in the Auckland suburb of Point Chevalier for a while. Some way up the road was a take-away run by an American, a big Black guy - he could have been a footballer, he was really big. Anyway, being an American, he really knew how to make an American Hot Dog with the trimmings as well as Mustard or Ketchup. Beautiful. I was sorry when we moved out of the area, as it meant no more of these special treats.

    1. I'd like one of those hot dogs Paul!

  4. Lewis Morley11/13/2020 8:37 pm

    When I was in my late teens, my father the photographer took me as an assistant on a photo journey of Europe for Belle Magazine. My job was mainly to help haul the equipment boxes and ensure he always had a roll of film unwrapped and ready to spool. He was using Mamiyas rather than Hasselblads by this time.
    I had some of the best food I have ever eaten at some very good restaurants, but I also really remember a German Hotdog I had in Cologne!

    1. Yep, German hot dogs, it could be wurst! ha ha. I adored Bokwurst mit Brot when I lived there. Mit Mayo und Ketchup oder Senf!

  5. In Holland there's the HEMA chain of department stores that for some 70 years has sold its own version of a smoked Gelderland sausage (Gelderland being a province in the East of the Netherlands).

    Larger stores have a food counter where you can buy half a warm sausage, on its own or with a bun and you add your own mustard and/or ketchup to taste. It's been a Dutch national institution for ages.

    Having a much larger sausage beats any hotdog with a puny Frankfurter or Wiener sausage, or even two. :)

    Best -- Paul

    1. They sound delicious Paul. Whenever we can get out of this place and we revisit Holland I'll be sure to get a Gelderland!

  6. As to the Wienermobile, you might enjoy this:

    Best -- Paul

    1. ha ha, I enjoyed that Paul. he's a great writer.
