Saturday 7 November 2020


In an attempt to do something at home during this first weekend of England's second national lockdown me and the missus have cleared out one of our sheds this afternoon, which was full of our Grandson's old toys and some car boot stock.

It was the first time in about 15 months really that all this stuff has been out of the shed so its been in there over last year's long Autumn and Winter.

It turns out our storage items were not alone during the dark months. Mice had moved in and begun to play with some of the toys and deposit their excitement all over them!

Those meeses had also stowed lots of acorns among the toys. I've no idea how they got those acorns into the shed as I thought it was relatively secure! Well those Mice have found its weaknesses and made it winter cozy. It was quite amusing to find an acorn inside die-cast Yesteryear car footwells!

There was also a candle which had been eaten from both ends wick and all!

Everything is cleaned and disinfected now and drying in the kitchen lounge so wo you e can decide what to do with it all.

Do you store anything in your shed or garage? Any mice visiting?

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