Sunday 1 November 2020


 How was it readers? Quiet? What did you get up to?


  1. Deadly. Excuse the pun. I saw a lovely big ghostly full moon on the way home from work and thought id get a few photos, but after id finished cooking my tea, the clouds rolled in and spoiled it. We cheered ourselves up with a couple of beers, some sweets a a watch of Scream and then I rounded the evening off with The Exorcist, dozing off before Reagan got to do her party piece on the bed. Ah well, hello November!

    1. The Exorcist, beer and sweets, my kind of Halloween [I can live without Scream]. There were no trick or treaters at all but then again we never really get any as we live on the edge of the village. Too far out. I managed to catch the Skull on TalkingPictures TV. Its a great gothic flick about the skull of the Marquis De Sade. Intriguingly that old trope of Sixties horror films pops up again, the surname Maitland. I wonder why they chose Maitland?

  2. Quiet - the neighborhood was dead (pun intended). Maybe 2-3 houses had any kind of decorations up. The grandbaby went to a Halloween party with her mother and Bettina and I went to IKEA (BTW, their restaurant is now open again, first time since March and it is a vastly different operation!)

    1. Does your Ikea do swedish meatballs with fries and sauce Ed?

    2. Here it's a tad different: Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, gravy, their Lingenberry sauce, and seasonal veggies. If you want a European style plate you can substitute french fries for the mashed taters.

    3. You can get that here too Ed. I adore those Lingenberry sauces! With the gravy, Yum!
