Monday 23 November 2020


Working in winter means dark setting-offs and even darker homecomings. Its just dark in the UK. Dark dark dark.

The one things that cheers me up and warms my cockles when I get home is a hot chocolate.

There's just something about the creamy rich flavour of a cup of hot chocolate that makes me feel instantly better. Its a winter treat.

I always loved it as a kid and my Mum's brand was Rowntrees Cocoa, always served in a bone china cup. I think the only difference between cocoa and hot chocolate is sugar but Mum's pan-warmed cocoa was wonderful.

I'm not that fussed about the brand nowadays as long as its hot, chocolatey and made at least half with milk. I do it in the microwave and top up with hot water.

Do you partake in a hot choccy readers? What cheers you up on getting home in the dark of winter?


  1. I do like a hot choccy in the late evening. I only realised there was daylight at this time of year after I retired!

    1. I tried an Ovaltine the other night before bed Kev. Yummy!

    2. Always had a mug of Ovaltine before bedtime till about 1975 (we had it in the enormous tins). Did buy some a few years ago to try but it didnt taste as yummy as I remember. Got to find me a Virol equivalent to try (used to get given a spoonful of that everyday. Sweet malty goodness in a jar)

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand11/23/2020 5:44 pm

    Yes, with mini marshmellows - yellow, pink, orange, and green, just as a treat now and then.

    1. very nice Paul and why not! I adore big marshmallows. Up there with pancakes and doughnuts as the top food groups!

  3. Mmm. Hot Chocolate. I used to guzzle it by the gallon from a drinks machine (10p per paper cup load back in the mid 80s). Nowadays I have a nice mug of Cadburys with a shot or two of rum. Mmmm

    1. Mmmm. Chocolate and rum. Sounds like an Old Jamaica bar TT! Chuck in some raisins!

  4. Lewis Morley11/23/2020 7:54 pm

    We've always been big hot chocolate fans.
    There is a little village in the Blue Mountains NSW Australia called Leura.
    Apart from the BEST sweet shop in the country (it sells all the old UK favourites) there is a chocolate shop that makes their own, called Josophan's.
    Their cocoa is the purest, richest we have ever tasted!

    1. Wow, just checked that website Looey! Blimey oh Riley! What a cornucopia of chocolate! I really want some hazelnut praline hot chocolate now!

  5. Lewis Morley11/23/2020 8:04 pm

    Lewis Morley here is their web page!

  6. My recipe for Drinking Chocolate and Rum.
    1. Add two shots of rum to the glass.
    2. Open the drinking chocolate.
    3. As drinking chocolate and cocoa always leave an unpleasant powdery residue in the glass or cup, reseal and put back in the cupboard.
    4. Add another shot of rum.
    5. Add ice to the glass, if you really must.
    6. Drink the rum.
    7. Repeat until sleepy.
    8. Zzzzzzzz...


    1. ha ha, very funny Mish. I had to read it twice! ha ha, you rum old devil!

  7. Cheers (hic) !
