Monday 30 November 2020


My old Mum used to send tons of Christmas cards out in the Sixties and Seventies. All glittery things depicting baubles and stagecoaches. It took her ages to get them all written, stamped and sent. Anyone living close by got theirs personally delivered, a Xmas tradition that maybe vanishing, especially now we have this darn virus around.

I loved those old cards my Mum sent out and still do, so much so, I got a load of unused ones years ago and still send them out myself, keeping the old style alive a bit I hope.

But, over the years I've started sending fewer cards at Christmas. This is largely for environmental reasons and reducing paper and all that. I do enjoy writing Xmas cards though so my siblings and closest nephews get one. Its just so easy to send an electronic card by email nowadays so I do use this facility a lot more now.

Do you send Christmas cards readers? Will the Pandemic affect it?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand11/30/2020 5:30 pm

    Yes, I still send cards. My circle of friends is pretty small, so I do not send out many, and never have, but I will keep doing so forever. Not yet done mine this year, which is a little naughty of me, I had better get on to it.

    1. You've plenty of time Paul. Its not December yet! Oops. just realised, it is in NZ!

  2. Years ago, I used to send around 35-odd cards to various friends, but was lucky if I got a handful back. What's worse, I'd run into some friends and ask them if they'd got my card, to which they'd say "Oh, dunno - probably." It made me realise that they were indifferent to whether they received a card from me or not, so I cut right back.

    What I still do though, is send a card to every house I ever lived in. The thought that something of mine will be in my former houses gives me a wee glow of satisfaction, and enables me to reconnect with them in some way. I used to do the same thing with my old schools for the same reason, but a few years ago the original buildings were demolished and new, different ones were built nearby. Although they still bear the same names, they're not the same places that I knew in my schooldays, so that's when I stopped. It's only my old houses and a few pals that get a card from me now.

    1. I loved your idea of sending your old homes a card Kid! Something magical about it so thanks for sharing. I only had one home as a kid and was devastated when we had to leave in 1977. I should send it a card too.

  3. A few years ago we decided to combine Christmas cards with "what we did this year" messages. I'll email you some years gone by versions.
    Whatever for the dreaded 2020 is still unfolding!

    1. Yes, these have become popular Looey, reviews of the year. Thanks for the stuff you've emailed!
