Saturday 21 November 2020

And a Star To Steer Her By

 First off, this isn't a Star Trek post, although there is a tenuous connection! Rather I am refererring to John Masefields wonderfully evocative poem, 'Sea Fever'

I must down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,

And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by;

And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking,

And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking. 

The concept of travelling into unknown regions, without a goal, but to experience the sights and sounds of the journey, has obsessed man for centuries. With the Space Race seemingly behind us, it seems like the outward urge to explore the heavens has ended, but in fact, there are many exciting projects still ongoing. The Mars Lander Perseverance, is due to reach the red planet early next year and take up the baton from Curiosity, with an even more sophisticated rover to continue the search for life.

Just this month, the OSIRIS-Rex probe managed to obtain a substantial sample of dust from the near Earth asteroid Bennu, which will be returned to Earth for examination in around 2023. Bennu is a large diamond shaped asteroid which could potentially impact Earth at some point in the no too distant future, so besides getting an insight into what the asteroid is composed of, scientists are keen to discover ways of avoiding the potential calamity.
Nasa has Project Dragonfly in development, a mission to send a remote car sized quad-copter to study the surface of Titan, Saturn's largest moon, by hopping across the terrain and sampling and recording data across a broad range of terrain.
Perhaps most exciting of all is the idea to send a robotic submersible probe to Europa, to penetrate the icy crust and explore the liquid oceans which are thought to exist on Jupiters moon. Given the prevalence of life in exothermic conditions deep below the waters of Earth, its postulated that life could potentially exist either on Europa, Enceladus or even beneath the surface of mysterious Pluto.
But beyond these new guys on the block is the great grandaddies of them all, the Voyager probes. Two probes launched in 1977, in two separate missions, the probes are still working today, over 40 years later.
Voyager 1 is now officially in interstellar space, having left the Heliosphere - or region of the suns remote influence. Having been shut down recently as NASA and the scientists at JPL made adjustments to the ageing controls, contact was re-established successfully with the probe, from 22.5 billion kilometers away in deep space. Voyager 2 is not far behind and still recording data faithfully.
Both probes sent back milestone data from the gas giants Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus as they flew by and in 1988 Voyager 1 passed Pioneer 10 to become the most distant man made object in space. Star Trek the Motion Picture included the Voyager probe as the nexus of a huge alien spaceship travelling back from deep space to make contact with its creators, as the entity 'V'Ger'. 
Voyager famously carries the 'golden record' including Sounds of Earth and a message from humanity. Lets hope that advanced alien civilisations still have record players they can use!

The probes are now en route to their next destination, the mysterious Oort Cloud, the region of deep space, in which it is thought comets originate from and which may hold the primordial remnants of matter which helped create the planets themselves. It will be a long journey, though as Voyager 1 will not reach the inner edge of the region for at least three centuries.

You can view the current mission status on NASA/JPL's informative site here:


  1. This stuff is breathtaking and almost unimaginable at the same time.

    1. I agree. Boys Own but now its real! I hope one of my successors will be around to see it on the news in 3 centuries. You oort to write more like this Wote!

    2. don't cloud my judgement Woodsy! I always assumed the Oort cloud was within reachable distance of the Earth, but a three hundred year trip just to the nearest margin gives me an idea of the immensity of space. And thats still technically within our own system, let alone the local galaxy!

    3. ha ha. Yep, mind boggling that our own solar system is that big. I wonder if man itself will ever exit it and enter Alpha Centauri or will Voyager be our only mark?

  2. "Space is big, really big", so says the Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy!

  3. NASA have always said that they view Star Trek as a long term plan. I can't believe that we won't develop faster than light travel one day. Physics doesn't rule it out.

    1. What route do you think they would take kev ? a wormhole idea, to somehow fold space, or a mass driven ship which is able to accelerate to translight speeds ? Ion drive engines are in use with some of the deep space probes and not long ago they were purely sci-fi!

    2. The UFO conspiracy sites already seem to think that the American government is designating their Space Force craft with names similar to what the navy, Nasa or star trek already does, e.g. USS Enterprise, USS Challenger, they also use presidents names or though I can't imagine a USS Trump!!- MJ Southcoast base

  4. I can't help thinking the folding space idea is the way to go. Ion drives will still only get you up to nearly light speed and that's just not fast enough! You've got to bypass real space somehow or you can't go fast enough (faster you go, more massive you become, effect of special relativity) and then you've got the annoying time dilation where you're fine but everyone back home is centuries older!

  5. Paul Adams from New Zealand11/21/2020 10:39 pm

    Why not a USS Trump ? There have been a total of ten aircraft carriers named after US Presidents, as well as a number of submarines, and transport ships. Although I think it is a safe bet no ships will be named after him if there is a Democrat in the White House. Here is a list from Wikipedia of ships named after Presidents.

    1. I'm not sounding off about Trump, I'm not American so it's none of my business, I was just thinking the starship Trump is an ungainly title 😆- MJ

  6. Nor was I putting in a plug for the current President - it just occurred to me that it would be a really good way for a future Republican administration to annoy the Democrats. Also, you have to be a dead ex-President before they name a carrier after you. The rules for naming ships after people have varied over the years, but if they ever do name a ship in his honour, it would more likely be the USS Donald Trump or the USS Donald J. Trump, rather than simply the USS Trump, which is a little less abrupt. Either way, it is really just a nutty thought.

  7. Paul Adams from New Zealand11/22/2020 3:25 am

    The above reply on the name Trump is mine, sorry hit the wrong button again.

    1. No problem mate I see your point now, yeh would be pretty funny! -MJ
