Thursday, 29 October 2020

Thunderbirds Are Go!

A small celebration of small things, the 1966 Kelloggs Sugar Smacks Cereal Premiums. Just over two inches long, each of the four models - TB5 wasn't included, presumably as it was too complex to make - these tiny kits fit together from a handful of parts into wonderful little models. I never saw these as a child, only really becoming aware of Kelloggs premiums with Crater Critters some years later.

Out of the four models, TB4 is the largest and simplest, whereas TB3 is delicate and quite detailed. To stand in for 5, I have included a much later but perfectly scaled gashopon version by Yujin and no Thunderbirds line up would be the same without a Zero X, so we have the tiny Morinaga OX too.

Ive kept the photography deliberately simple and a little misty, so here are some clearer shots to show the models to better advantage.


  1. Superb little set. Mine all had bits missing that I had to fake!

    1. I was very lucky to be given these by a fellow afficianado!

  2. Gorgeous models Wote. I don't remember them but my memory is useless. I have a feeling that I ate tons of cereals as a kid in the sixties and can imagine these toys plunking into my sugar smacks. Were they a forerunner of sugar puffs?

  3. No, Sugar Smacks were by Kelloggs, I think Sugar Puffs were by Nabisco, and both were around together. In retrospect, Sugar Smacks were pretty vile, even sweeter than Sugar Puffs, and it was only the free gifts that kept me munching.

    1. Thanks Andy. Cereals were a big deal for kids back then I reckon. I loved most of them except shredded bran!
