Monday, 19 October 2020

The Lunar Scraper Scraper Caper

Hi Woodsie, I liked NZ Paul Adams post on Lunar Surfaces last month. As you know I'm trying to make my own vinyl toys and as I have a spacesuit version, I wanted a moonscape (inspired by the Major Matt Mason catalogue ads) as a photo backdrop for when I finally finish it!

The moonscape was made from 12mm thick polystyrene foam (like a ceiling tile) I glued it to a 3mm thick piece of MDF and drew a couple of rings with a water based marker (so the solvent didn't dissolve the foam!) to represent crater edges.
Then I got a small square Surform scraper and scraped down inside and outside the lines. 

I smoothed the surfaces off with some rough sandpaper, carved some cracks in with a needle file and coated the whole thing with gray acrylic roofing membrane. When it had dried I built up shadows with matte black and gloss purple (it is meant to be a toy, after all!) spray enamel (the acrylic membrane protects the foam from being eaten by the spray solvents!)

Then I dry brushed gray and white highlights and it was done! I also made a background mountain range for the photo!

Yesterday I prepared my first complex components for electroforming. They are cast in wax from my poly clay originals and the whole process is the most complex and costly mission yet undertaken by man... (or at least me!) 

I've been working up to this and there's no getting around it, I have to make this work, if my toy dreams are to come true!

OK, talk is cheap, time to get back to my own particular coalface! Keep on Bloggin' 
Looey, Oz


  1. Nor me I'm afraid Woodsy.

  2. It's the dark side of the moon!

  3. I am back at Moonbase after work and hope to shed some light on this soon!

  4. I hope you can see them now chaps.

  5. Yep, the far side is visible now.
