Saturday, 24 October 2020

Surveying the Moonscape

Master modeller and Spacex afficianado Kevin D has just sent us some glorious shot of his newly acquired Surveyor 2 model. Closely based on the Project Sword Moon Crawler, as featured in the standalone annual, its a very nice model indeed.



  1. Fantastic toy. I don't remember ever seeing the SpaceX in the shops, but as I was only 7 when these appeared I guess I would never have had a chance to wander round the toys in Woolies or other shops on a shopping trip. I have seen loads on ebay recently, some selling for vast sums.

  2. Hi Timmy - they were always in Woolies in the late sixties, but the second series appeared just at the point when Triang were going under. As a result, series 2 are quite rare. Series 1 toys are just as exciting and readily available at reasonable cost, second hand.

  3. I was a huge Spacex fan as a kid and never saw a single Spacex II toy in the plastic until I got my first last year. Trying to get a full set of Spacex II now but that is a tad ambitious!

    1. Ive been tryin since 1970 and still no there yet!

    2. I had most of series 1 as a nipper but no series 2 at all!
