Tuesday, 20 October 2020

New Billy Blastoff Website!

Hi Woodsy,

First off this is not SPAM. I know they all say that but really, it's 
not. Even if it still sounds like it after this statement!

I am writing to you regarding a new website I've just posted which is 
meant to become a full cataloging of Billy Blastoff. Hoping you'll have 
a look and consider posting it on Moonbase Central. I'd really like to 
spread the word around and share what I have so far and solicit input 
from others. 

 I do also have some repair tips and parts I make and 
sell, I do a little home machining and am happy to help others that may 
not have a lathe or a mill available. Basically, I love seeing these 
old toys preserved and couldn't believe all that the Billy Blastoff line 
included so this is the result. All 124 pages and 537 images of it!

Thanks a lot for your consideration and thanks for all the work you do 
on the blog. Just been peeking at it so far but it looks like a good 
bunch of folks and some really neat old toys. I did get some cues from 
your site - the Billy patent stuff for one - that are integrated into 
mine and I've tried to give credit there.


Maurice M.


  1. Great stuff Maurice, Billy has been overlooked for too long!

  2. What a wonderful site. For too long I dismissed Billy because he was just a kid, unlike Major Matt! That didn't stop me from having Billy's robot pal or the Space Walker!
    Now in my 60s, I'm reappraising that whole space toy era.
    Thanks for the memories, Maurice!

  3. It's a comprehensive website with lots and lots to discover.
    Congratulations to Maurice for making this monument!
    Best -- Paul V

  4. Thanks guys! Robbie is definitely the star of the Billy Blastoff show. What started out as just trying to figure out the proper names for the vehicles and accessories sure sucked me in.

    Yeah Lewis, that Space Walker was unknown to me as a kid and is one of my favorite vehicles for sure. That's one of the things I really like about this line: the mechanical aspect. The Grabber is a standout too with the one button claw cycling.

    I'm looking for testimonials to fill in the UK stuff a bit. It seems like what may have happened is that the US sets and UK sets were identical so there's really not telling them apart now. If anyone had a set in the UK I'd love to know which ones. So far Woodsy told me about the Space Scout and Scuba sets being the UK. Any others? Think of me if you happen to see any literature. The stuff Paul and Wotan sent really tied some things together.
