Friday, 30 October 2020


I half remember these arty crones, the Colour Witch. I'm pretty convinced I had them as a lad in the late Sixties. Anything to do with monsters! Its those little cauldrons that really ring a bell. They would have fit in perfectly with other creepy stuff like the game Which Witch/ Haunted House at the time.

We've mentioned them in passing a few times on Moonbase over the years. Do you remember them? The only place I could find images - from a decade ago - is on the Do you Remember forum! [hope they don't mins me re-posting them]. These are elusive witches and perfect for a Halloween re-paint.

Colour Witch was released by Joyment, a firm I don't know much about.

I do know they made Dizzy Bug though, another great toy game I had back then. I had one right up to about 2015 I think but sold it on. Doh!

Did you Dizzy Bug?

Did you have any other Joyment toys?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand10/30/2020 12:30 pm

    I never had the Colour Witch markers, but I do recall the name. I think there was a TV ad for these at the time ? Perhaps late 1960s or early 1970s. How exactly did they work ?

    1. I'd love to see a TV ad Paul. Can't recall how they worked but one of them was invisible paint.

  2. Oooooo dizzybug. There was me trying to work out what my memories of wind-up ladybird things was and you save me months of torment. Of course it was dizzybug. The little bugs were friction drive; you whizzed them up, put them in the centre and they drove into one of the coloured pits (did they jiggle about randomly?). If it was the right colour you moved your peg. Excitings stuff :-)

    1. ha ha, glad we could help Timmy. Dizzy Bug was just great. They did rotate randomly in the little bowl! Great memory. What a toy!
