Sunday, 11 October 2020

A Thunderbird By Any Other Name...


While I was browsing eBay recently, I ran across these two rare 1960s SF kits by Aoshima Bunka Kyozaisha, which I think you will find intriguing. They are both called "Thunderbird 1," but of course have nothing to do with the famous TV series. 

Both box arts show the same vehicle, in different color schemes and from different angles, but its just a sports car with missiles and fins. Also please note the misspelling of Thunderrbird (sic) on the red vehicle. Another weird sorta Supermarionation spin-off, eh? Even better, this kit was issued in the U.S. by good old Paramount Hobbies, as  "Tiger Jet," probably to avoid confusion/copyright infringement.

Rob C


  1. Bizarre and somewhat dubious sports car to sci fi crossover concept with these kits, but excellent box art !

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand10/11/2020 6:58 pm

    Thunderbird (or Thunderrbird) seems to be one word on the cars themselves, but two words on the box top. This reminds me of a series of sports car kits Aurora did, in which the cars came with decals and painting instructions to finish the models as WW2 or Korean War fighter planes.

  3. I love these Japanese mash-ups. No-one loved Anderson shows as much as Japan. The box art on this ace car shows it. there's a SPV Tiger Tank at the back and the plane looks like SHADAIR. So cool and thanks for sharing Rob!
