Saturday, 19 September 2020


 Well, its official, the UK is in the grip of a Second Wave.

The virus is once more out of control. Out of the box again.

With our Government increasingly and eerily employing the icons and lingo of Science Fiction, like Rule of Six, Circuit Breaker and Second Wave, the situation seems almost incredible. Like characters in Wells' War of the Worlds, the reality of our circumstances seem too stark to fully accept.

I have just returned to work after 6 months furlough. Already the systems of the State are falling apart again. I fear I maybe back home again soon.

In the words of Theoden of Rohan,

"How did it come to this?"


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/19/2020 9:20 am

    I am so sorry that things are going backwards. Good luck with everything, and take very good care of yourself. We have our toys to help through the hard times, and boy do we need them right now.

    1. Thanks Paul. You take care in NZ too! Spring must be starting there. Is that right?

  2. As I recall, the bottom of Pandora's box contained "hope"?

  3. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/19/2020 1:21 pm

    September is indeed the beginning of Spring, and Daylight Saving starts on the last Sunday in September, which this year is 27th, one week away. Over the last week or so I have seen several Ducks out with their Ducklings, and it is starting to warm up.

    1. I'd like to get all my ducks in a row Paul!

  4. Yes Andy, 'hope' is in the box, but it fails to get out and is shut away, when Pandora puts the lid back on.

  5. Woodsy - sorry to hear that. We are just emerging from our second wave here in our part of Oz but are still locked down for at least another month. So you have our sympathy.

    Cheers, Tony

    1. Thanks Tony. I fear we will have to live like this for some time.

  6. Take care Woodsy,here in Italy there Is the risk of a second save but seems that nobody cares :( .people are strange.. ew

    1. You take care too EW and stay away from strange people.
