Thursday, 24 September 2020


Hi Woodsy

I came across a video on You Tube explaining how to save old waterslide decals.

Often, if you put old decals into water they just break up. The video shows how to prevent this by applying a coat of Krylon Crystal Clear Acrylic spray varnish. 

First a light coat, allow to dry, then a heavier coat. This will keep the decal from fragmenting. The examples shown are from the 1960s, and are being applied to a model car. Other brands of varnish should also work.

Paul Adams
New Zealand

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I tried that with one of my old Japan SF decal sets, using the Krylon Clear Coat, and was less than impressed. The thing is, the clear coat does strengthen the decal, but it also makes it very thick and stiff, and the decal will not adhere to any curved surface or details on the plastic. A better solution was a product by Microset, called Liquid Decal Film. It strengthens the decal without adding too much thickness. It worked for me, anyways!
