Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Batman Returns: Ertl Penguin Ducks


As promised, here some shots of the Ertl version of the Penguin Duck, sometimes referred to as the Duck tank, which it is clearly not. 

This was available on its own, or in a boxed set with the rest of the Ertl Batman Returns models. These models were contemporary with the film. 

The photos are from Pinterest (single model) and Worthpoint (set).
Yours Sincerely,

Paul Adams
New Zealand


  1. Lovely toys Paul. I do like them. I recall seeing them in the shops at the time of the movie. if Keaton was in it then I liked it. The best batman movies ever.

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand9/30/2020 5:32 am

    These models are from a few years before I began collecting die-casts, which was about the mid-1990s, and I do not recall seeing any of them in the shops, but then I was not looking at die-casts at the time. It was the release of the Hot Wheels Duck N' Roll model that made me look into the Penguin version, as I recalled he had something similar in one of the Batman films. But apart from the basic idea of a yellow rubber duck on wheels, they have little in common. Still fun models, both versions.
