Monday, 17 August 2020


Not sure where I got to with mine and mutt's movie watching. We've seen a fair old few on an evening last week courtesy of Amazon Prime. Here's the highlights.

Angel Has Fallen: the third in the Fallen franchise starring This is Sparta himself, Gerard Butler. He's as tough as old boots is Butler and erstwhile tough guy Nick Nolte even gets a welcome look-in here. The last time I saw him was in an ancient Hulk flick. Angel is basically like the first two Fallens. Bad guys want the President dead. Butler doesn't like their attitude and tells them in no uncertain terms. Its an explosive relationship and you can switch your brain off whilst you watch the fireworks. if you like Liam Neesan's Taken or Keanu Reeve's John Wick then Angel has Fallen is one to catch.

Jobs: this is a biographical film dramatising the life Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, the most valuable company in the world and computer pioneers. It focuses on Jobs's early years knocking around with buddy Steve Wozniak in college and their love of tinkering with keyboards and circuitry in a garage. Both of them went on to found Apple and revolutionise the home computer scene with the Apple II. Like that other biog movie concerning a tech giant, The Social Network, Jobs peers under the motherboard and reveals the tensions and bitter rivalries behind the screens. I was struck how in both films these two virtuosoes, Jobs and Zuckerberg of tech are portrayed as socially awkward and generally quite odd and the two actors, Kutcher and Eisenberg, bring this out. I don't know how true this eccentricity is but Jobs has whet my appetite for another flick about him starring Michael Fassbender called, Steve Jobs!

The Meg: despite a general avoidance of Jason Stathan flicks, I'm primarily a monster nut. So when a 50 foot prehistoric Megaladon surfaces I just had to watch. When the fish eventually appears The Meg really does deliver and we get a lot of shark for our bucks. Some of the imagery is stunning and one shot of a tint Statham facing the gigantic Meg under the ocean looked really terrific. A cut above other monster shark flicks like Sharknado, the Meg is a must for kaiju fans and the thought of it battling Godzilla is my new screen-cracking fantasy! I wonder if there are any Meg toys?

Have you seen any of these? What did you think?

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