Saturday, 22 August 2020


 Here are a few photos of the Corgi Red Dwarf set (TY96501) which was released between 2004 and 2007.

 It features the Starbug , and the CGI model version of the Red Dwarf Mining Ship. This set also comes with figures of Dave Lister and Arnold Rimmer.

“Red Dwarf was a Jupiter Mining Corporation vessel developed for the recovery and shipping of mineral ore. Cast adrift three million years into deep space, its sole human inhabitant became vending machine repairman, Dave Lister…who has about as much in mining as he does in personal hygiene.

Red Dwarf’s key shuttlecrafts are its fleet of Starbugs. The Starbug line is adaptable and manoeuvrable, but also prone to crashing at a moment’s notice. Its utter lack of defensive capabilities makes it exactly the kind of ship you don’t want to be stranded in on in hostile space. “

The popular cult sci-fi comedy series created by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor,  features Craig Charles as Lister, Chris Barrie as Rimmer, Danny John-Jules as Cat and Robert Llewellyn as Kryten.  It started in the U.K on BBC 2 in 1988 until 1999. The Dave TV channel has continued to produce new episodes from 2009, and a feature length TV film, ‘Red Dwarf: The Promised Land’  was released and shown on Dave this year.


  1. Great atmospheric shot of Starbug, given the die cast's tiny size.

    1. Yes, it is certainly small, Mish. It's very well detailed in spite of that.

      My son,Dan is a big fan of the series, and still watches it quite regularly.

      Are you a fan of the Boyz from the Dwarf, Mish ?

  2. Most certainly Scoop.
