Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Speaking of Gouaches...


Here's my latest little gouache painting, again inspired by a 1950s Hong Kong toy header. The only real modification I made was changing the passenger airplane the boy was holding into something vaguely "Century 21."

Rob C


  1. I love this painting Rob! Its got that atom age innocence which used top grace toy boxes. There's a bot of Made in China on there too, not to mention a Talking Heads album cover vibe too! Brilliant.

  2. Great colours and retro feel, Rob.
    Nice to see a giraffe too!

  3. Nice work! I haven't played with Gouache since my school art class days!
    I like the intentionally naive quality and the deliberately wonky perspective.
    One of the charms of much of the toy stuff we grew up, with is the oddly wonky quality of the production values.
    With today's computer designed, manufactured products,there is no room for error and it shows in the perfect, but sterile stuff available now. The "hand of Man" is no longer evident.
    Looking at the Japanese Vinyl toys of the 60s and 70s, so much stuff is "off model" -something that is never allowed today (maybe I should send you some pics and the story of my sorry close encounter with Lucasfilm Licensing?)

    Your painting is also very close to the retro packaging I'm currently designing for my own original "Art" vinyl toy line. One of my header cards is directly inspired by a Hong Kong toy package -although once it's been through the blender of my brain, most people would only get the vibe, not the source!

    1. Yes please Looey. Pics. Sorry story. Lucasfilm!
