Friday, 21 August 2020


Whilst at Moonbase Junior's I snapped this bunch of his most recent die-casts on his baby Sister's changing mat!

From left to right: Matchbox mack Auxillary Power Truck 1991, Days Gone Preston and son of Potto [no date], Matchbox K-13/20 DAF Truck 1971, Lledo 1935 Blue Bird [no date], Brown Hot Wheels '70 Dodge Daytona 2003, Yellow Hot Wheels Beetle Robo Zoo 1988, Blue Hot Wheels La Troca 2000 and finally, and for me the most interesting, a Disney World Wild Racers Jafar from 2001.

What do you think?


  1. Paul Adams from New Zealand8/21/2020 2:16 pm

    A nice collection. The set of four Lledo Land Speed Record cars came out in 1993. The traction engine would be later than that.
