Thursday, 6 August 2020


I've been researching a small metal toy cap gun I have.

I had thought it was this from the Gilbert Man from Uncle action doll range but that's a different shape as shown in this old sale picture.

Its actually from the Gilbert Honey West action doll range as featured in this carded accessories set. This one on this past auction example has a white grip cover. Mine's missing this although .....

..... this image on another old sale features two examples, one with and without the white grip cover.

I have the instructions of how to operate this small cap gun in a book I have called Spy Toys by Cramer Burks. For the life of me I just couldn't cock the thing, never mind slip a cap in! I nearly cut my thumb open!

Anyways, I enjoyed looking into this mini pistol.

One interesting aside I came across was mention of another female action doll by Gilbert, Domino Derval from the James Bond film Thunderball. 

Its listed as such on the Doll Reference website

As far as I know Gilbert only released Domino as this small 3.5 inch plastic figure [borrowed from Etsy] and not a doll. 

Emilio Largo appears to be similarly mistaken as an action doll rather than a small rigid figure.

Have you any Gilbert action dolls or figures?


  1. I've got quite a few of the small figures (including the Goldfinger laser), but they're up in the loft somewhere at the moment so I couldn't say precisely which ones. I think I've got the Domino one though.

    1. hey fab Kid, I never had any of the solid Gilbert figures. You have a really great collection of old toys. I saw a whole bucket of Lone Star style Thunderball frogmen at a local car boot sale last month. I used to love those frogmen with wire cutters and spearguns!

    2. Yeah, I've got some of those frogmen too - got 'em new in the '90s, but they were the exact same as the '60s ones.

    3. Those frogmen are a big part of a magnificent 007 board game called Underwater Battle Kid. Only ever seen one in the flesh - at Memorabilia in Birmingham. A huge box.

    4. When I find where I put them, I'll post a pic on my blog and you can tell me if they're the same ones.

    5. Thanks a lot Kid or should that be, tanks a lot!

  2. As a kid, I remember Honey West accessory packs for sale at Mrs. Sell's corner store near the Vineyard Junior's School I used to go to in Richmond Surrey. I seem to remember an accessory which was a necklace or glasses which were two clear plastic lenses that you were meant to hold apart and focus like a telescope. I notice on this pack, there's a proper set of binoculars, so I wonder what it was I actually saw!
    The Gilbert Toys were significantly cheaper than Action Man or (gasp!) Tommy Gunn and I wonder nowadays whether they had been dumped on the market.
    I bought a very inexpensive Moon McDare spacesuit and Space Mutt for my Action Man!
    Sadly I no longer have either...

    1. brilliant memories Looey. What a great name for a shop seller, Mrs. Sells! I'm intrigued about your telescope gadget and will look into it!

  3. I never had any of the Gilbert 1/6 action figures as a kid, Woodsy. Looking back, I think most of the face sculpts were very good for the time and technology, but five points of flimsy articulation was always going to be a problem for a younger me. Having said that I've happily bought, sold and traded a few as a collector. The box art on many of these figures is still very appealing and evocative.

    1. I agree Tone. Gilbert did a fine job. I wonder how they fare in your mind to Fairylite action dolls like Parker? I clear;y recall having Parker as a kid.

    2. Interesting question, Woodsy. I think face sculpts are on a par. Fairylite Thunderbirds figures benefited from better articulation, offering more action possibilities. Sadly they lacked the colourful and imaginative accessory packs which were available for Gilbert's cast of TV Spies. Gilbert and Fairylite are both welcome nostalgia for todays vintage toy collector :)

    3. Fascinating Tone. Its odd what turns up at boot sales. Action Man surfaces all the time but I don't think I've ever found a single Gilbert or Fairylite action doll or loose accessory at one and I've been to thousands - Oo, I tell a lie, I have found quite a few Lone Ranger and Tonto figures but they were by Gabriel and not Gilbert. I wonder if there were fleamarkets in the Seventies where Gilbert and Fairylite dolls turned up?

  4. Ive seen aboxed Dr No set of Bond, Dr No, Ursula Andress and dragon tank. Think it was a yellow box

    1. What, action dolls or miniatures Wote?

    2. I don't have a box, but I've got the figures and dragon tank from that set. The dragon tank has a wee flame 'tongue' that goes in and out if I remember rightly.

    3. Fab Kid, they look to be great sets and quite detailed. I've never actually held one or ever found anything loose from them at car boots. The Gabriel James Bond line must be quite scarce. Do you consider the plastic painted figures to be action figures?
