Friday, 28 August 2020


 I've casually collected TV or film related Viewmaster reels over the years. Squinting through the Viewmaster viewer and seeing the 3-D effect was certainly novel to my young eyes . Nowadays, I only really pick them up for the nostalgic value, but I still find them fun.

Here's the Tom Baker one from 1980 featuring 3-D stills from 'Full Circle'. I can't say its my favourite story from his last season but its still nice to have.  Sadly, no 3-D effect for you, and the quality of the enlarged slides is evident, but I hope you enjoy them anyway. By the way, check out the price, £1.99 from Woolworths.

Reel 1:

Reel 2:

Reel 3:


  1. Much as I loved Viewmaster's TV reels, they sometimes chose very dull and un-visual episodes to present, and this Dr Who story is one such a case.
    The Star Trek Viewmaster episode is another, with shots of people talking or standing around in corridoors or in front of dusty landscapes.
    Where are the Daleks, the space ships, the time vortex the explosions etc?

    1. I have to agree with you there, Mish. This was certainly a dull story. If the photos taken were genuinely 3-D (as some weren't) the man from View master only had so long to set up shots so maybe that was a factor.
