Tuesday, 25 August 2020


I don't tend to post much Doctor Who stuff these days as there appears little interest from the current crop of blog viewers. Certainly Nu-Who seems to mostly get the thumbs down from folk here. I do like to post the odd classic Who post though, and with that in mind here's a few old photos of my Character Options Daemons set, with an Eaglemoss Azal.


  1. Those are great! I like DW, well, the proper series anyway!

    1. Thanks Kev, I'll whisk you off to Devils End in my next post.:)

  2. Paul Adams from New Zealand8/25/2020 6:39 pm

    I love the real Doctor Who, but not the modern version. So keep the classic Doctor Who coming, especially the first three Doctors, Daleks, and Cybermen.

    1. Good to hear, Paul. I like classic Who, especially the 3rd and the 4th. I'll try and dig out some Dalek and Cybermen stuff.

  3. Yes to the original Dr Who series- and I like Hartnell & Troughton too!

    1. I'm glad to hear it, Andy. I have fond memories of watching Hartnell. Probably like you I remember watching episodes that no longer exist. I was never that keen on the historical ones, though.

  4. Paul Adams from New Zealand8/25/2020 8:14 pm

    Actually I did like the historical Doctor Who stories, I always thought they were fun. I did watch Hartnell and Troughton in the 1960s, but I can not recall the stories in any detail after all these years, just vague impressions.

    1. I've got a memory of watching the missing episode, 'Mission to the Unknown', which introduces the Dalek Master Plan, although my earliest memories of Hartnell's Who is being scared by the first Dalek story.:)

  5. I've got all the 'Classic' Doctor Who dvds, including the ones where they have animated missing episodes. Pertwee, T.Baker and Davison remain my favourites by far.

  6. Most can still be found, using the series title, on the DailyMotion site, if you can put up with its idiosyncrasies.

  7. The very recent Character Options releases have been well received and even I bought a few sets - old school episodes naturally ! The 3 man UNIT set was first rate (apart from the modern American rifles) but I got around that by ordering 3D synthetic FN FAL's which are trusty SLR's in all but name. The newly released Dalek sets are good too

