Sunday, 9 August 2020


Hi Woodsy

I have just spotted your blog and thought I would send you a couple of photos....because I still have my Bazooka Joe ring!!! 

Yes, that whizzy sound is so unforgettable....and it still works :D I couldn't find a single picture of one on the internet, only the metal version (which I think maybe is the one they had in the USA?). I wonder how many still exist?? I was looking on ebay and even the certificates seem to be a rarity. 

Kind regards,

Anyone else got one?


  1. I remember the whistles and the Bazooka bubble gum, which was easily the best bubble gum around at the time, but don't recall the link between the two.

    1. It was a delicious pink mouthful wasn't it Mish. I thought Anglo Bubbly was a similar taste too. You?

  2. I think there was more of a 'sugar rush' with Bazooka Woodsy.

    1. You could be right Mish. Checking availability I see its possible to still get Anglo Bubbly. According to this website its flavour was pear! Alas, no bazooka Joe!

  3. I was wrong! Bazooka Joe is still on offer!

  4. I remember Bazooka Joe Gum as the best too! The HORRIBLE little pink flakes that you used to get in gum card packs was so brittle and flavourless, you really had to work hard at chewing to get anything usable! I remember blowing a bubble with card gum and feeling a sense of pointless achievement at being able to actually do it!
    But Ah, the big, glorious bubbles from Bazooka Joe....

    1. I was never any good at blowing gum bubbles Looey, not even with Bazooka Joe. Then again I can't whistle and still tie my shoes the infant way! ha ha

  5. I think the stuff - all brands and types of it - is absolutely disgusting and should never have seen the light of day. I've never partaken of it in my life - absolutely hate the smell and the sight of it. Who wants to see people playing with food in their mouth, or have to dodge around it after it's been spat out onto the pavement? If I had the power I'd ban it tomorrow. Orange Aero - now there's a taste worth savouring.

    1. ha ha, I do like Orange Aero too Kid. Mint too. Do you go as far as eating them as part of McDonald's McFlurry ice cream range? Having said that, I can't see them on the current menu so maybe I'm dreaming about Aeros!

    2. Mint Aero?! AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!! No. I hate mint - it's disgusting and should be banned. Just a whiff of it makes me sick. I've had McFlurrys before, but can't remember which choc they used. Galaxy Ripple maybe?

  6. Would anyone be willing to sell a siren ring, it would be such a surprise for my step dad who lost his many years ago
